Subscription Plan for Singing the Wheel of the Year

Singing the Wheel of the Year is a song and ritual-based exploration of the pagan Wheel of the Year, drawn from sources old and new. Subscribing to Singing the Wheel of the Year is a great way to access new song materials for your pagan practice without committing to the live sessions of this course.

What You Get

When you pay a monthly subscription, you will receive:

  • Recordings of 4 to 6 songs (chants, layered songs, rounds and more) for 9 months out of the year. These include the practice tracks for each song and “karaoke” tracks so that you can hear your voice alongside other parts.
  • A PDF of lyrics and liner notes on each song.
  • Access to a private Facebook discussion group where you can share resources and discuss your experiences in the class.
  • A list of resources to help you connect further with historic pagan folk practices.
  • Bonus materials, including special guest interviews with pagan practitioners, ritualists and singers.

Subscribing is a Great Option if You…

  • Want to add to your ritual song repertoire at your own pace
  • Live in a time zone in which you can’t commit to the live classes, or just don’t have the time for live classes!
  • Are a solitary practitioner, and want songs for your repertoire, but don’t want to necessarily be in ritual with others
  • Want to sample the Singing the Wheel of the Year materials, but don’t want to commit for a full year


$33.33 per month for 12 months

Please Note: Singing the Wheel of the Year materials will begin to be distributed in November 2023. However, payments for the subscription will begin as soon as you sign up. So, starting whenever you subscribe you will be charged 12 payments total over 12 months, but materials will be sent to you continuously from November 2023 through October 2024 regardless of when your payments end. If you sign up after November 2023, you will be given access to all materials already released, in addition to materials that will be regularly dropped for the rest of 2023-2024.

In total, you will receive song content for 9 months out of the year: The 8 holidays plus a special “Sacred Space and Invocation” theme. However, you will be paying on a monthly basis, which means that for 3 months out of the year, you will not receive new materials but will still be paying a monthly fee.

subscription FAQ

Can I stop subscribing at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription to Singing the Wheel of the Year at any time by contacting Saro at If you start paying for the subscription before November 2023, you will continue to get access to the amount of materials you have paid for before you end your subscription. For example- If you start payments in October 2023 and end payments in January 2024, you will receive 4 month’s worth of materials- the materials distributed from November 2023 thru February 2024. Even as you continue to receive the full amount of materials associated with your payments, charges will stop at the time you choose to end your subscription.

Can I start subscribing any time?

Yes. Singing the Wheel of the Year materials will begin to be distributed in November 2023. If you sign up after November 2023, you will be given access to all materials already released, in addition to materials that will be regularly dropped for the rest of 2023-2024. You will continue to pay $33.33 a month for 12 months, regardless of when you sign up or how many materials have already been released.

What if I start subscribing and then decide I want to join the live sessions?

There will not be an opportunity to join the live sessions after the initial sales for 2023-2024 take place. However, if you decide you want to participate in 2024-2025 sessions, there will be opportunities to do so, and you will receive notifications ahead of time.

What kinds of songs will be included?

The songs in this class will offer a fun, eclectic menu that blends old and new traditions to create a fresh, but storied sound. Drawing from a wide range of historical and contemporary songs, we will explore rounds, chants and layered songs created by Saro Lynch-Thomason and other lauded song leaders as well as Scottish ballads, Irish folk songs, and middle-English rounds and poetry. The themes of our songs will be primarily animist (focusing on the forces of nature), with pagan deities and traditions as a secondary focus. Our songs will focus on the seasons (the fall and harvest, water etc.), folk traditions (plant harvesting, protective magic etc.) emotional growth (grief, hope, letting go), and praising deities related to Wheel of the Year traditions. Please see the main course description to listen to samples and review the details of the course.

Do you have more questions? Get all the details on our main page, or email Saro at